Vision Statement

The Village developed a Vision Statement that was included in the NYF Application to the State. The Vision statement was presented to the public at the first Public Meeting, and feedback requested. Attendees indicated consensus on the draft Vision Statement, presented below.

“The Village of Dolgeville strives to be a safe, inclusive community that draws on its unique features as a gateway to the Adirondacks and its central location to the East Canada Creek, supporting relaxation, tourism, and an overall healthy lifestyle. Building upon its storied history, the Village’s vision is to restore its economic, commercial, cultural and artist vibrancy, and its historic Main Street district, leading the Village into a prosperous, sustainable future.”

Goal Areas

A series of draft goals have been developed by the Project Team that compliment Dolgeville’s recently completed Brownfield Opportunity Area Plan. Have additional ideas? Click the button at the bottom of the page to provide your input.

  • Create a vibrant and active Village Center that attracts new businesses and capitalizes on the history of Dolgeville and its natural setting.

  • Create attractive and desirable downtown living for visitors and residents that is walkable to businesses.

  • Description text goes hereCreate an environment where investors can clearly see the opportunities that exist in Dolgeville for revitalization.

  • Engage in meaningful recovery process that protects investments from flooding damage while enhancing the natural assets of East Canada Creek.

  • Pave the way for public transit opportunities that will come available once Dolgeville is a destination.

  • Equitably grow the local property tax base.


Have comments on the Vision statement or drafted Goals? Provide your input on these and other materials from the first public meeting by clicking the link below.